Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tracker, false sightings, and other updates

Sunday afternoon after we got the sighting at the church at the corner of Rockland and Ridgeway, I was driving around the area to see if I could find anything. Didn't sight Lew, but as I drove past the church one time, I noticed a brown daschund that was hanging out in the area of the supposed Lew sighting. Got out of my car to try to catch it. It immediately started barking at me and then ran into some bushes. I carefully started to peek into the bushes and noticed that there was a hole in the fence behind the bushes and the dog was gone. At this point, we think the supposed Lew sightings were actually this dog. Lew doesn't seem like the kind of dog who would start barking at someone and we had wondered about that when the person who called in the sighting had told us Lew was barking at him.

The trap hasn't caught anything (and yes, I think it is set correctly now). Something is eating the chicken McNuggets though. Probably all the birds around there.

Monday morning, we had Laura Totis and her tracking dog, Chewy, come out. We started at the trap area where the last sighting had been. We did get some indication that he had been in the area, but never a solid track. That information, along with the lack of recent sightings and no luck with the trap, lead us to believe that he may no longer be in that area.

Stopped by the Montgomery County Humane Society on my way home. There is good news and bad news. The bad news is that he wasn't at the shelter or in any of the found reports. The goods news is that he isn't in any of the DOA reports either.

Right now, we need to expand our flyering efforts to see if we can figure out where he is hanging out. If you can help, email me at terpdive@addr.com

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